Exceedingly Successful

Returning from Asia last month I went to attend our adult Bible school class at church. Someone asked about my recent trip, and I said it was “exceptionally successful.” Perceptively they asked how do you define success? After I explained some of the stories and details, my classmates agreed the trip was successful. Having returned last week from my February trip I feel this trip was even more “exceedingly successful” than last months.   First…

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Just Got Back?

Some things you do plan, and others they just happen with God’s oversight. I arrived back in the US last Monday after two weeks gone and next Tuesday I am off again to Asia for another two weeks. Actually when I arrived, I went from 90-degree temperatures to – 5-degree with lots of snow. Lots of adjusting these days. Someone asked us at our new home church “How was the trip?”  I replied that it…

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Asia in 2023

Life is full of great combinations! Peanut butter and jelly, a smile and a laugh, a warm fire and a good book. This year will bring the wonderful combination of more open travel after Covid and John’s expanding role in this new Asia Impact Team position. John may possibly be on 6 trips to Asia this year. This is after 0 international trips in 2020, 1 in 2021, and 2 in 2022. This month John…

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