Prayer for March

  1. John has been in Asia 29 of the last 57 days. (This is not ideal and far from normal).  He is so glad to be home again, and hopefully for a while. Pray for rest and refocusing. The next big trip is not scheduled until late April.
  2. Praise God for your prayers and God’s help as the message John gave to this large gathering of believers last month God really blessed and used John. Even John’s interpreter was extremely excited about the message.
  3. Elaine had a wonderful celebration of her 70th birthday last month. Thanks to many of you who sent greetings by email, mail and in person. 
  4. Praise to God that John’s knees were even stronger on this last trip. He kept being surprised that so many things he was doing were near impossible just a few months ago.  Also John experienced no signs of illness on this trip, having been in some more primitive settings.
  5. Elaine has made great progress on an Adult Sunday School lesson series on Esther for this summer. Just two more lessons to go. Keep praying.
  6. We are thankful to God when John was away that Elaine was able to survive at home an 18-hour power outage due to an ice storm. It was touch and go but John was able to help them via texting with some of his preparations for a winter power outage.
  7. Thanks for praying for Elaine as she continues work on a series of 4 presentations for a denominational women’s meeting in May. So far, she has gotten them outlined and preliminary drafts. Pray as she continues to prepare personally for this important event.
  8. Ask God for his guidance and blessing as John continues to apply for a professorship as an academic mentor to new missionaries going out with Converge. John hopes to use his experience and knowledge to help newer missionaries develop healthy trajectories for their leadership lives. 

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