Prayer February

  1. Many were praying and asking about John’s knees on the last trip. Well it is short of miraculous. Lots of walking, stairs, carrying luggage but no pain and no stiffness in either knee. Continue to pray as he heads up into the mountains on this next trip.   
  2. Elaine continues to prepare an Adult Sunday School lesson series on Esther for this summer.
  3. John met with some local leaders in Illinois interested in reaching Burmese people in the area. Ask for God’s direction toward some impact project.
  4. Ask God for his great blessing on Elaine as she celebrates her 70th birthday this month!
  5. Pray for Elaine while John leaves for another trip to an Asian country next week until the end of the month. Last month things were generally OK but often things happen at home when he is gone.
  6. Thanks for praying for Elaine as she works on a series of 4 presentations for a denominational women’s meeting in May. So far, she has gotten them outlined and preliminary drafts. Pray as she continue to prepare for this important event.

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