Focus on Asia – March

FOCUS ON VIETNAM John was to accompany a team going to two major cities in Vietnam and conduct Orientation Training for an 18-month plan for church planting training. The trainers were coming from the Philippines and John was just there to encourage, coach, and pray with the many leaders. In one city 3 key leaders of a large denomination came and were excited to go back and recommend to a larger group of hundreds of…

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Global Summit

We are global people and connected to people everywhere it seems. Every day in our home seems international or at least cross-cultural. The work we do touches many people throughout Asia. Sometimes John talks about a particular day being “India day”, “Japan day,” and the like. Our days take us via online meetings, emails, and other communication all day long to places like Mongolia, Korea, and even Central Asia (the -stans countries). This month John…

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Looking Ahead to Asia

I hope you had a wonderful meaningful Christmas. We anticipated a smooth transition into the New Year, but we were jolted into the New Year with news out of Japan of a national disaster and a major plane crash related to a relief plane. In 2024, we do expect many great things as ministries are expanding and deepening in many places. God has been profoundly good in allowing John to travel with a new 120%…

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Prayer for January

1. Thank God for Christmas celebrations and gatherings with our families. As you know Christmas is not about the season but about Christ and people. 2. Despite not meeting several times due to holidays and snowstorms, God is answering your prayers for the Tuesday night Life Group that Elaine leads at our local church with strong connections between the members. 3. Ask God to bless our new Converge Asia Director, Chaz Nicholls, who is traveling…

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