Prayer for March

  1. Praise the Lord for the Conference in Indonesia and all the results that we experienced.
  2. PTL The need for dozens of visas by participants was fulfilled so all attended!
  3. Thank God that Elaine and the house managed fine for the two weeks John was gone. (The week before John left, we found a leaky sink).
  4. PTL for what happened in Vietnam last month. Pray that God would raise up a missionary trainer to go for at least 2 years to conduct church planting training.
  5. Thank God that the Japanese leadership are going ahead with this National Roundtable this fall. Bless the planning and interaction with many leaders.
  6. Pray for our AIT leadership as they look for opportunities in Central Asia and a South Asian country.
  7. God is expanding our Life Groups at our local church; Elaine’s group is doing great. Elaine is nearing the completion of writing the Beatitudes next Bible Study to teach in the summer.
  8. Please pray for John and Elaine as they prepare for a trip next month with Tim to Japan. 
  9. For Elaine and John the Mentoring and Coaching appointments online are increasing. Pray for wisdom, skill, and dependance on God.

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