If the World Were a Village of 100 People

A small book written for children by David J. Smith broke down the de-mographics of the world’s population into a understandable size for children to comprehend. Here is what such a village would look like: 49 would be female and 51 would be male. 20 would be children. Of the 80 adults, 14 would be over 65 years of age. There would be 60 Asians, 12 European, 14 Africans, 8 South Americans, 5 North Americans,…

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Pure in Heart

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Matthew 5:8 If I am dependent on making my own heart pure, I am doomed. Even my best efforts are tainted with sin. This pure is not like Ivory Soap 99% pure. It is to be 100% to meet God’s standard. This I cannot do. But Christ died for my sins and for my self-generated good deeds as well. I need to run to…

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London and Tokyo

When you think about London now due to the Olympics think too about Tokyo. Tokyo hosted the 1964 Summer Olympics and is currently a Candidate City for the 2020 Summer Olympics. Along with my hometown Chicago, Tokyo lost out in the 2016 bid for the Olympics. In 2012 Tokyo was named the most expensive city for expatriates. In 2009 named the third Most Liveable City and the World’s Most Livable Megalopolis. If you like to eat (and can afford) gourmet food, The…

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Soaring Hawks

Soaring Hawks Thoughts Along the Way© Elaine Mehn But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31 Today I saw two hawks swooping and soaring on the air currents. The hawks could very easily have ignored the currents and flown where they wanted to go, but they were allowing the…

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Just Breathe – Thoughts Along the Way

Just Breathe Thoughts Along the Way© Elaine Mehn He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10 We are spending several weeks in the mountains of Colorado and are once again discovering that the air is much thinner than we are used to breathing. The air is so wonderfully clean and in the morning crisp as it fills…

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Glass of Radioactive Water

Thoughts Along the Way © Glass of Radioactive Water Elaine Mehn With the 9.0 earthquake that hit northeastern Japan which was followed by an incredibly destructive tsunami which was followed by problems at the Fukushima Number 1 nuclear power plant, we have the potential of having higher than normal radioactivity in our water. Some parts of Tokyo have reached levels that are not safe for babies and small children while other parts of Tokyo are…

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1. Today the decision was made to proceed ahead with the Field Council for our Converge Worldwide Japan Team next week (March 30-April 1). PRAY that God would provide a tank of gas for the Ellisons to attend this event. 2. Continue to PRAY for missionaries monitoring developments and deciding whether to stay of leave the Kanto area (or Japan). John talked to a missionary from the Philippines who was encouraged that Converge Worldwide was…

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John received a call (during our blackout) from CGN a Christian broadcasting company in Korea. Besides asking about our situation on the ground and gathering information on Korean missionaries in Japan, John was asked about some prayer requests for Japan. Here is his answer. 1. Hope – Everyone in Japan is rattled, concerned and a bit frightened. As one of our friends has said “fear and the loss of hope is probably the biggest long…

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Reading on Leadership

In preparation for our CPI Leaders’ Summit last month on Gospel-centered Leadership I was reading and reviewing books on leadership especially the heart idols that leaders are most susceptible. (Elaine and I developed a list of heart idols that leaders often encounter). Good books have been Spiritual Leadership by Henry and Richard Blackaby (Experiencing God fame).  Other good books have been Dangers, Toils, Snares, The Heart of a Servant Leader on Jack Miller and Overcoming…

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Picking Grapes

Thoughts Along the Way© Elaine Mehn  You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. Galatians 5:13              I grew up in north-eastern Iowa in a small town where my parents had a large garden which included some grape vines. I was never known for my love of gardening but being a part of the family meant picking

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