September Prayer Spotlights

1. We have been doing well in the summer heat. Elaine is sensitive to heat stroke but throughout August we both have accomplished much and have not flagged in our energy.
2. John’s messages at Nerima Baptist Church on August 18th were well received. John begins a six-month small group leaders training program for 12 leaders at Nerima beginning September 29th.
3. Thank you for praying for our financial support situation. June was a very low month and many have responded with invigorated giving. Thanks.
4. Elaine’s classes all start back up in September. Pray that everyone would feel Jesus when they come.
5. The South Kanto Church Multiplication Network (with JCGI) has a special retreat September 17-18. Pray for John and Pastor Nakano as they attend.
6. Thank you for continual prayer for our son Tim. This fall he returned to school studying computer networking. Pray for success in his studies and in making connections leading to internships and work.
7. September always means key meetings with the Rengo Mission Dept. (24th), Japan Mission (26th) and JEMA CPI. Pray for clarity of direction, wisdom, along with faith and courage from the decisions.

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