Prayer in December


  1. Our partnering denomination “The Rengo” had a wonderful 50th Anniversary celebration (Nov 2-3). For us it was good to see so many ministry partners.
  2. Before and after the CPI Conference we had 9 visitors blessing our home.
  3. Our Japan Field Council (Nov 26-27) was a great fellowship and planning time.
  4. Elaine’s Christmas Tea Outreach on November 30th was very encouraging for everyone.
  5. Short-term Intern Lydia Troe finished her 3 month assignment of children’s ministry, CPI administration, and Japanese language learning.


  1. In December there are key leadership meetings with CPI and other key people.
  2. We open our home for a Christmas Party with the Agape Group on Sunday 12/13.
  3. Several families we know are struggling with cancer treatment at this time.
  4. We will be in the US again to celebrate Christmas with our families and some business, Dec 16 to Jan 1.
  5. We will once again experience a Japanese New Year meal on Jan 2nd with the N family.

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