Prayer APR MAY


  1. Thanks for praying for our trip to India earlier this year. We are moving ahead with next steps with several potential partners. Pray as we move through these next steps.
  2. On April 24-27, John’s Asia Impact Team will have a gathering/retreat in the Seattle area. Please pray that we will grow as a team and accomplish necessary planning and strategy to impact in the years ahead.
  3. Continue to pray as John spearheads the Asia Impact Teams development of their strategy process and yearly goals.
  4. John will be traveling to Japan, Laos, Cambodia and then on to Taiwan for the Global Church Planting Network (GCPN) East Asia Regional Seminar. As always much to prepare in meeting key leaders in Asia and preparing to leave things in the US for a few weeks.
  5. Elaine will be the main speaker to a pastor’s wives and lay women’s meeting on May 24-26 in Harrisburg, PA. Pray for her travel and effective speaking.


Thank you all for your encouragements, enthusiasm, prayers and financial support for my expanded ministry in Asia. So far, my financial support has been strong. From May 1 we will operate with a new budget with some increases.  Travel expenses have been higher than anticipated due to inflation. We have also added a new budget line item for our AIT team “shared expenses” of $200 per month. We hope that financial support will continue to be strong throughout 2023 and 2024.

If you are mailing checks to Converge, the address for doing so changed a while back. This is the correct address to mail checks for my account #49651 (John Mehn). Please confirm the address.          Converge

Dept 9930

PO Box 850001

Orlando, FL


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