Together Alone

Thoughts Along the Way Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ Mark 12:20             I was at McDonalds the other day (yes, I am sane and healthy) having a quick lunch and watching a young couple at a nearby table. They had a table in a relatively quiet corner but that was the extent of any romantic interlude.…

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Operation Japan – Intercession Resource

In Nov 2005, the 3rd edition of Operation Japan was printed to mobilize prayer intercession for the nation of Japan. This is a publication of the Japan Evangelical Missionary Association (JEMA) and co-edited by former BGC missionary Don Wright. This is a comprehensive prayer guide that will help you to understand and effectively pray for the people of Japan. For more info click here.

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Marriage, Weddings in Japan

I would like to close with some thoughts about Japanese society to show the urgency of the Gospel to be grasped in this country.  For weddings in Japan there is the traditional Shinto ceremony.  More couples, however, are using the Christian ceremony today than Shinto.   This does not mean they embrace the Christian faith, though.  In fact marriage is in serious

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