Japanese Pastor Repents

At the recent Tokyo 2010 Global Missions Consultation, a highlight was one highly respected Japanese church leader who had a heartfelt and very open confession, public repentance, and an appeal for forgiveness from nations and people who had suffered during the Pacific War. He did not mince words but spoke more honestly than I have heard from other contexts. Even after 65 years this is still an emotional topic.

Along with his contrition and appeal for forgiveness was an appeal for all Christian groups to work in unity, for us to love our neighbors and be unified in our need of Christ.  For more information see: http://au.christiantoday.com/article/japanese-pastor-repented-for-japans-past-sins-sought-for-unity-in-christ/8246.htm Also there was a reading of the Tokyo 2010 Declaration which was signed by numerous groups which I am represented in Japan, in North America and Missiological Associations.  http://www.tokyo2010.org/conference/Tokyo_2010_Declaration.pdf.

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