Last month John joined a team from the Kokubunji Baptist church that did volunteer work in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture April 17-20. Pastor Nakano from the Crossroad church also joined the team. There has not been time to develop a video yet, but some pictures and video with English are at the church webpage http://homepage2.nifty.com/kbch/new/tohokusupport/tohokusupport.html. The trip was very successful in completing several projects.

John and a short termer from America will also be joining a volunteer team from Tokyo district churches heading back to Iwate Prefecture from May 15-19.

Several short-term teams are coming to Japan to help with the disaster response. Teams are expected to come this month, June, July and August. Please pray for these preparations and also for God to send more workers into the fall and next spring. WE NEED MORE SHORT TERM VOLUNTEERS and teams to come. If you are interested in coming to Japan as a volunteer or if you would like to apply please go to http://www.convergeworldwide.org/reach-nations/japan-relief .

We are looking for PRAYER intercessors who would like to back up Converge Worldwide (BGC) and Rengo efforts in disaster response. A new website group has been set up at http://groups.google.com/group/Pray4Japan/. Please visit regularly or sign up if you would like these regular updates.

If you or your church is interested in GIVING to Converge Worldwide disaster response please give at http://www.convergeworldwide.org/give/30292. If you are interested in contributing to our support needs please go to http://www.convergeworldwide.org/give/496511.

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