A Pastor’s Prayer after the Earthquake

Among the hundreds of thousands affected by the earthquake and tsunami are only about 9,000 Christians in worship in 145 churches. One pastor shares his heart for his community and Christ’s church in the area devastated by this earthquake and tsunami. His Fukushima prefecture has 145 churches and 2,658 weekly worshippers for over 2,000,000 people.

Pastor Akira Sato is a Conservative Baptist Pastor in a rural areas near Fukushima city and wrote a letter yesterday (3/13). Due to the potential radiation exposure near the plants in Fukushima the church and those people in that area had to be evacuated. Along with people like the sick and disabled who would suffer he is concerned for the long term prospects of the Kingdom of Christ in that community.

Pastor Sato shares that “my biggest prayer request is that there would be no more radiation leaks. The worst possible scenario would be that people would never be able to go back to their town and homes, and that the church would be closed down and the history of mission in this region would end. Please pray this wouldn’t happen. Please pray that people would be able to come back to the city and church doors would be opened again and we can praise and worship the Lord there again…. I humbly request your fervent, argent prayers that our church would survive this crisis and the work of mission would not be stopped… I covet your prayer.” Will you bring similar prayers to the throne of Grace? Portions translated by Koji Hayashi.

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