Friday 3/25 Japan Update

Two weeks have passed since the tremendous earthquake, devastating tsunami and radiation leakage. The death toll has topped 10,000, there are over 17,000 missing all feared dead. Dear friends, we must continue to pray, give, and prepare for more involvement. Locally things continue to return to normal with many shortages having ended. Rolling power outages continue in Tokyo (and here today). But up north transportation is in a shambles, supplies limited, and people are without…

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Pray for Nuclear Plant Workers

We all have been praying for the workers at the plants. The whole world is praying. I cannot stop thinking of Daniel 3:25 “I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.” Let’s remember that Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego were kept safe in the furnace because the forth, our God Almighty was with them. Those workers are reported as heros called “FUKUSHIMA…

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Japanese face Disasters Calmly

Why are the Japanese so calm in the face of disaster? Why do Japanese seem to band so well together and also deal with these terrible triple tragedies so well? A Short interview with David McDaniel’s, an American pastor based in downtown Tokyo, Japan who explains the unusually stoic Japanese cultural response to the Tsunami Crisis. David is a missionary with YWAM a JEMA member mission. You may also enjoy this Newsweek article contrasting…

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Relief Team Heads for Home

Just got off the phone with Jeff Chapman (8:30pm JST), he checked in with me after checking in at home, unfortunately his cell phone battery was losing power. They decided to head due south through Fukushima Prefecture (don’t worry they would not be allowed in the exclusion zone) as they are trying to avoid snow. He says the roads are all twisted and at times it is like riding a roller coaster. He thinks it…

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Glass of Radioactive Water

Thoughts Along the Way © Glass of Radioactive Water Elaine Mehn With the 9.0 earthquake that hit northeastern Japan which was followed by an incredibly destructive tsunami which was followed by problems at the Fukushima Number 1 nuclear power plant, we have the potential of having higher than normal radioactivity in our water. Some parts of Tokyo have reached levels that are not safe for babies and small children while other parts of Tokyo are…

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Japan Update for 3/24 Thu

Tokyo continues to inch toward normality. In our local grocery store there was rice, prepared foods, toilet paper, but no bottled water due to the rush for it due to the increase of radioactivity in Tokyo’s tap water. Except for infants the water is reportedly safe to drink. Today it was announced that Tokyo’s tap water is safe for infants to drink. Thank God for this development and for calm among the people in Tokyo.…

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Japan’s #1 Need is Hope

Christian Relief Assistance, Support and Hope (CRASH) are coordinating relief intelligence, advanced teams, volunteer training, and distribution of relief supplies. Using networks of local Japanese church contacts, CRASH Japan teams are getting aid to people and gathering valuable information for future teams. Assessment teams consisting of CRASH Japan and partnering international organizations have been able to see for themselves the challenge ahead for Japan. “It’s a logistical nightmare up there,” said Joe Wilkey, Executive Director…

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CRASH and JEA – Tie Up

The Disaster Relief Commission of the Japan Evangelical Association (JEA) met at CRASH Love-To-Japan headquarters to discuss moving forward from rescue to recovery. Director, Jonathan Wilson, asked for the continued support of over 1800 churches represented by the JEA. [Japan has about 8,000 Protestant churches] Ken Taylor, Vice President of the Japanese Evangelical Missionary Association (JEMA), shared with the commission how their missionaries have combined their relief efforts through CRASH Japan. CRASH Japan is becoming…

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Relief on to Kesennuma

Just heard a call from Jeff Chapman, Converge Worldwide missionary, that Jeff finally found his warm clothes, they had a good night’s rest, breakfast of rice and oranges, and they are nearly ready to depart this morning. They leave Sendai realizing many churches still do not have water service. They have decided not to go to Ishinomaki, as they had planned. It seems that CRASH, as well as many other relief organizations, have already made…

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You Can Help Japan

There are many ways to help Japan right now you can pray and specific requests are listed at this site you can come to Japan to serve hands on. More information listed here. you can give generously and compassionately. Here is how you can give through Converge Worldwide. Japan Disaster Relief from Converge Worldwide on Vimeo. Converge Worldwide has already given funds to CRASH Love-On-Japan. Any further gifts will go to organizations like CRASH that…

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