Impressions of a baseball fan, neither HERE nor THERE

It has been an extremely interesting year in that Major League Baseball officially started the season HERE in Tokyo in March.  Now my two Chicago teams THERE have won their division, the White Sox and the Cubs.  (Also my favorite Japanese team, the Seibu Lions, won their division too).  The White Sox and Cubs have not both won their divisions since 1906. Jay Leno said the world may end if the Cubs win.  He has…

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Just Moved

In order to keep in touch better, we moved this website to a new server and we are still rearranging the furniture.  Some of the internal web links in the pages do not work.  We are trying fix them as soon as possible.  Until then simply use the webpage navigation on the top left.  Thanks for your patience and your prayers.     John and Elaine

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CPI Regional Equipping Seminars serve 237 leaders

The last CPI Regional Equipping Seminar held throughout 2006 and into this spring was held last week.  John conducted some training on Clarifying your Ministry Core Values.  Another seminar was on Personal and Church-based Evangelism.  Over this period, CPI has had eight regional seminars, in 5 regions of Japan, covering 9 different training topics, equipping 132 missionaries and 105 Japanese (44% of the total). This does not include the over 100 who were involved in…

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Purpose of this website

This website is to highlight the gospel ministries of John and Elaine Mehn by providing:   1) Timely accurate information for our ministry partners and 2) Helpful resources to others in gospel renewal ministry. This is an interactive site, so leave a comment or response, just click below on any page. Let us know how we can partner together. If there is something you would like to know, discuss, or see please let us know.…

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Expectations and Mothering on the Mission Field

Thoughts around Mother’s Day Over the last few years I have been praying that God would break my heart with the things that break His heart. Out of this prayer has come a burden for missionary women and Japanese pastors’ wives. In Japan, the stresses of culture and ministry can be extreme. We estimate that a large percentage (perhaps 80 %) of women missionaries and pastor’s wives, struggle with exhaustion, discouragement, and/or

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