Japan’s Working Poor

Even though Japan is an advanced and prosperous nation there are the hidden human costs of progress.  The image of Japan, and one that the Japanese would love to project, is that this is a society with everything put together right.  One area that has been growing since the 1980’s is the number of people who are working but are just above the poverty line.  An article with a good example can be found in…

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Surprised and Amazed – Nov 08

Amazed by the expected and surprised by the unexpected. That describes our last 2 ½ year adventure. We returned to Japan, packed our belongings and moved to the other side of Tokyo. In a 6 month period, we sold our condo in the States, bought a house, moved into it, moved back to Japan, and moved to the other side of Tokyo. We said good-bye to our kids who stayed behind in the U.S., said…

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