From Regional, to National, to Regional, to Global

I was able to see many ways and many places in which God is working in new bigger ways than I’ve seen in Japan before. Give me bigger, expectation and fuel for prayer for how God might work in our area…. Mostly God showed me that I am not alone in ministry. Living in a prefecture where little is happening, you tend to lose sight of the big picture. I had been feeling isolated & lonely, but God has reminded me I am not alone, and I am encouraged to seek at networking…. My vision for my region is growing and starting to take shape as I interact with others and learn more about networking.

The longer we are in Japan the more we see the need for regular support and training for those on the frontlines of ministry. Ministry anywhere is hard in Japan it is frighteningly difficult.

Last November we had our 14th CPI National conference. The theme for conference was “fellow workers for the Kingdom of God” as CPI is encouraging workers to form regional church planting networks throughout the nation. During the conference 9 regions met to plan for future networking.

From the 2005 conference to the 2007 conference, 7 regional seminars were held in 5 regions covering 9 ministry topics with a combined attendance of 237 people. Until the 2009 National Conference regional seminars and networks will be held in several areas around Japan.

The 2007 National Conference was one of the largest conferences on church planting with 400 registered. The conference had the widest constituency to date with over 60 mission agencies, denominations and local churches. Attendees were predominately church planters, pastors and lay workers enjoying 16 Core Training Tracks as well as 21 electives on ministry in Japan.

Since the last CPI conference, Global Church Advancement had given birth to another global CPI center. Rev. Jude Hama, director of the West African CPI in Accra Ghana which was recently launched came to learn from CPI ministry in Japan. Attendees also came from Sri Lanka, Nepal, and the Philippines.

This year’s conference saw a record number of Rengo pastors and lay people attending, as they dream of multiplying disciples, leaders and churches through starting more church planting networks and LEAD Teams. BGC short-termers were also involved as participants.

Several US churches participated in the volunteer teams which helped with the logistics of the conference especially the Children’s Ministry Program. Two churches sent teams from St. Louis including West Hills Community. Northshore Baptist Church in Bothel Washington sent a team which also explored other ministry opportunities to partner with Rengo churches. Consider coming yourself for the next CPI conference in November 2009. We need lots of help.

Currently CPI is in back in the “Regional Mode” developing seminars and networks in regions. We are planning a regional seminar in Shiga Prefecture in May and another on Evangelism coming up. Also there are the nine regions all over Japan that are considering regionalizing the CPI vision.

God is gathering his fellow workers to build his Kingdom in Japan, one of the world’s largest and needy unreached people groups. More information is at the CPI website at www.JCPI.Net.

John & Elaine Mehn

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